Latest Big Tit Videos (Page 2)
Commuting to and fro on public transportation sucks. Let's face it, you are cramped into small spaces with less-than-pleasant smelling folks and you are forced to listen to their babble and their complaints while you pray that the next stop is yours so you can get off and be freed from your transport prison. And no matter what you do, the total suck-factor of commuting this way will not improve. While we cannot make your transit experience better, what if we suggested that you get to bone a busty, anal-loving whore the minute you got off the subway? What if you could get off, and then, get off in a tight asshole right after? Sounds plenty good, huh? Well, while we can't promise that this will become implemented in subways all over the USA, what we can say is that it happens, so have faith. You check out this hooker getting porked in an empty subway terminal and we will start working on recruiting more working girls to give up their ass tunnels in the subway tunnels. Enjoy!
Join for More » Why do we like hookers? Because hookers are good for the world. That's right. We are here to tell you that by hiring a hooker you are actually doing your country and your cock a service. How? We will explain. Check out hooker Brandy Talore. She is so convenient that she comes right to your house to service you in the comfort of your own home. (She is like a small-business owner and you are supporting that.) The only thing you have to do is find your favorite spot and fuck her right then and there.(And you are technically taking her off the streets, decreasing homelessness.) And there is no awkward morning-after because once you have pumped and humped her, you can kick her right out, right then and there. And no worries, she will survive just fine without you. Because not only did you take her off the streets for some brief moments of comfort, but you also gave her money for her work, so you employed her. (A double bonus: you are contributing to the economy and decreasing unemployment.) She will clean herself up and go on to the next cock, just like that. Why? Because hookers are reusable, and somehow, some way that has got to be good for the environment, right? (It's like recycling.) So do something right for a change. Fuck a hooker. It's the humanitarian thing to do.
Join for More » No matter how unfair it seems, sometimes hookers get busted and hauled off to jail. We know, it just doesn't make sense, considering the public service they provide. But it happens, regardless. But if a hooker is street smart and stacked, she can be in and out of jail in no time. Just check out Sarah Sunshine. She knows that the only ace in the hole that she has is her ability to drain a cock in no time flat, so she used that to her advantage, offering the officer on duty her hooker booty. And who could say no to a thorough cock-sucking and tight pussy? Some people have a get-out-of-jail-free card, and some people, like Sarah, have a get-out-of-jail-free cunt.
Join for More » In the year 2060, you will no longer have to go out on the hunt for tits and cunt. Why? Because in the year 2060, the hookers come and find you. Isn't that nice? So imagine you are minding your own business and you suddenly have the urge for a sloppy blowjob and some experienced poontang. All you have to do is put out the alert and the hooker closest to you will come and lay it down. It's kind of like when you need a plumber or a handyman and you call one in for a service call, except a hooker of the future will service your cock. Watch Carly, a pretty blonde hooker, fuck and suck this guy like it's no big deal. We can't wait until the day this fantasy becomes reality. It's a nice thing to imagine when thinking about the future. Puts a spin on the idea of cumming attractions.
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