Latest Big Tit Videos (Page 3)
Trust us when we say that we know what it's like to be cranky, frustrated and in need of some stress-relief. Sometimes a guy's gotta go blow off some steam, you know, take it easy and just relax. And there are three or so ways of doing this. The first is a little miracle we like to call BEER. Except if you spend too much time with beer, you wind up with a headache and a gut. The second is a great invention called SPORTS. Except you can lose time, effort and even some cash on sports and it usually goes hand in hand with beer. The last is the best way of all; PUSSY. Pussy is a great way to blow off steam and even your wad. The thing is, pussy isn't always available, attainable or even around. Not to worry. That's why hookers were invented. Hookers are like the Chinese food of pussy; quick, reliable, always available via delivery, not so hard on the budget and after you have a lot of it, you can always have just a little more. Don't believe it? Check out Soleil Hughes' and her hookertastic performance in this video. She shows up, fucks, get paid and goes. It's perfect. So next time you are a little bit stressed and need some relief, just put your dick in a hooker, they always hit the spot!
Join for More » We live in a world of convenience and we like what we want, when we want it. For example, when you want a nice, juicy burger, you can just pull in to your local drive-thru and order it. If you want to pick up some prescriptions, you can just mosey on over to your local pharmacy's drive-thru and get your meds. So why not incorporate that into how we get ass? How convenient would it be to just pull up to a corner nearby and order up some juicy cooze to go? That's exactly what this guy does. He pulls up to choco-licious Stacy Adams, working her wares on the ave, and he says, "I'd like some mocha poon to go, please. And a side of titties, too, super-sized. Thanks." And she jumps into his car and then on his cock in the motel a few minutes later. And when he is done with his quickie, he tells her to book and that's because just like fast-food containers, hookers like Stacy are disposable. Doesn't that sound quick and easy? You betcha. All hookers should be quick and easy.
Join for More » Ever get that feeling, like you're never going to find Ms. Right? Like, that wonderful lady you are supposed to ride off into the sunset with is never going to show up? Like you are never going to be able to say, "You complete me," to some amazing woman, and mean it? Well, hate to bust your bubble, friend, but chances are, you are right. Ms. Right is probably not coming your way. But here is a consolation prize...Ms. Right Now. You see, Ms. Right Now is just around the corner. Actually, she is ON the corner. Ms. Right Now is a modified version of Ms. Right and she comes with lots of perks, and that includes HUGE perky titties, too. You can tell Ms. Right Now to suck your dick, to lick your sack and to gobble up your nutritious load, and you know what? She will. And you don't have to spend a whole paycheck on a ring, either. Because Ms. Right Now is yours with only a small, one-time payment. So why waste your time on daydreams? Stop thinking about the what if's and start thinking about huge tits. Go out and find your Ms. Right Now...she is on a corner near you.
Join for More » Here is something almost unbelievable: Rich guys with millions of dollars need to hire hookers to get some action. (Yeah, cause the fact that they are rich just doesn't cut it with your average gold-digging slut. They have to pay for sex.) But, we are not going to argue with that since most chicks believe this to be true thanks to the magic of the movie "Pretty Woman". So in an effort to keep up that Cinderella-esque ideal that if a girl is pretty and charming enough, it overshadows the fact that she blows many, many cocks for money and a rich guy will save her from the streets. Let's pretend that Kianna Dior is a hooker with a heart of gold who merits some rescuing. Kianna comes across a rich guy who has a limo that he is willing to let her rest her tired tootsies in. (It's rough pounding the pavement and getting your pussy pounded, too.) So, being the overly grateful streetwalker that she is, Kianna decides to show him her gratitude with the only thing she has to offer a rich guy...her hooker pussy. Does he decide to whisk her away from all things hooker-like because of her prime, horny, pink clam and righteous cock-sucking skills? Hell, no! This isn't the movies. What he does do is promise her that he will be back next week for another romp in the limo with her. Hey, he didn't take her off the streets, but at least he is giving her a steady income, or rather cumming in her a lot.
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